By clicking on the "I accept the conditions of use" button at the bottom of this page, the user fully and unreservedly accepts each and every one of the conditions of use of the website included below: General conditions of use of the Green Spain website.

Conditions of use of the contents of the Green Spain Image Bank

The Green Spain image bank and digital files available at ("Image Bank"), its contents (including the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, or distinctive signs and any other elements that appear on and all intellectual and industrial property rights over them (with the exception of the provisions of section xii of these conditions) are the exclusive property of Green Spain and the user must respect such rights at all times.

Apart from the licence regulated in the following sections, no other intellectual or industrial property rights over the Image Bank or any of its contents are granted to the user and the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, provision, extraction, reuse, resending or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them that is not expressly contemplated in the following sections or expressly authorised in writing by Green Spain, is expressly forbidden to the user.

Green Spain makes the content of the Image Bank available to registered users at, under free licence, as follows:

  1. the user must be over 18 years of age;
  2. the user declares and warrants that he/she has not requested any images from the Image Bank as a consumer (i.e. a person acting for purposes that can be considered as outside his/her profession);
  3. the right to use the content of the Image Bank is only granted for the purpose expressly authorised by Green Spain in the terms set out in sub-section (iv) below and to carry out actions considered essential to achieve this purpose;
  4. 19. without prejudice to the initial request, the user must previously send Green Spain proof of the final medium and context in which the Image Bank content is to be used, as well as specifying the planned period of time for use of the content, if this is longer than the general period established in sub-section (xiii) below, for express approval by Green Spain (Green Spain will not in any case be liable in any way for damages arising from the improper use of Image Bank images by the user);
  5. the user’s right to use the Image Bank contents is personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive and non-profit-making;
  6. the user may not modify the Image Bank images;
  7. the user may not use the Image Bank contents as part of any trademark or trade name nor violate the law or third-party rights (in particular, but not limited to, intellectual and industrial property rights and the right to honour, privacy and self-image);
  8. Image Bank images must not be used in contexts that are denigrating, xenophobic, obscene, pornographic, discriminatory or that, in any other way, damage or could harm the image and reputation of Green Spain, or of the persons or entities shown in the images, as well as fundamental rights that constitute or could constitute an unfair practice;
  9. the user must abstain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, Image Bank contents by means or procedures other than those which in each case have been made available or indicated for this purpose or which are normally used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Image Bank or;
  10. the right to use the username and password is personal and non-transferable for the user to whom they are granted, who must keep them confidential, being liable for all damages caused by the non-fulfilment of these obligations;
  11. the images used must specify their source "Image provided by Green Spain" and the name of the photographer and author of the photograph.
  12. the graphic representation of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a registered trademark, which confers on the Museum the exclusive right to use it, as well as the prohibition of use by third parties without its consent. Therefore, any reproduction of images of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao must obtain prior authorisation from the Museum by sending a request to the following email address:
  13. the licence granted by Green Spain will be for a maximum period of six months, except when the user has informed Green Spain that the authorisation is requested for a longer period and has obtained the authorisation described in sub-section (iv) above; this period will be counted from the date on which the licence is granted, which will be communicated to the user in response to their request.
  14. the personal data provided by the user in the request to use the Image Bank contents and data resulting from their use authorised by Green Spain will be processed under the responsibility of Green Spain (and, where appropriate, incorporated into its files) to manage the request and control their use in accordance with these terms of use and in accordance with the provisions of the section "Additional Information on Data Protection" included in the terms of use of the Green Spain website (available here ).
  15. with respect to any dispute or disagreement that may arise between the parties regarding the interpretation of these conditions or their fulfilment, the parties expressly waive any other applicable jurisdiction and submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the civil and commercial courts of Bilbao.

© 2024 España Verde

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